Information Technology Library Automation Problem Statement 2011

The  department of Information technology Wishes to computerize all the library activities in order to reduce the work load time consumption. Everybody  knows that library activities  include many  complex stage  of  operation which have to be done with more security. The details about the entry of new books,updating of book details, search of the book,issue of book must be maintained in a handwritten records all of these details need to be verified frequency by library in charge in order to avoid confusions. The maintenance of the handwritten records does not human intervention.

In order  problem it to avoid these problems it is better to automate all the library activities. The administration can  make  entry  of the new book details, can  update the existing details .Both the administrator and staff can search the availability of book by  specifying either the book name,code.the book code unique and automatically by the system.there by avoiding the confusion of two books having the same code which makes the search easier.when the searching is done by means of name wise ,there is a possibility of the all the book details having the same name will be displayed issue of the  book to the staff is done  after verifying  the staff id,availability of the tokens availability of the tokens and book.

all these activities can be done by the administrator within a fraction of seconds.the details provided by the administrator are stored in the central database and the required  details can be accessed from this database.

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