Top Universities in Afghanistan - Top Colleges and Schools

1  American University of Afghanistan
2  Kabul University
3  Kabul Medical University
4  Polytechnical University of Kabul
5  Herat University
6  Alberoni University
7  Khurasan Higher Education Institute
8  Kabul Education University
9  Paktia University
10  Bamiyan University
11  Badakhshan Higher Education Institute
12  Ghazni University
13  Parwan Higher Education Institute
14  Takhar University
15  Jawzjan Higher Education Institute
16  Faryab Higher Education Institute
17  Nangarhar University
18  Khost University

TCS ILP Material Collections - Facebook

Here you can download some collection of ILP materials which is collected by Facebook friends. This main ILP  contains ILP 1 and ILP 2  two rar files. The ILP 1 rar contains TCP Wrapper,Samba Configuration,RAID, and other database related materials and The ILP 2 contains Fully basic unix commands, Java and SQL related materials, those are very useful to all. so you can directly download this TCS ILP materials from the below link. you can also search other ILP materials in our portal.

Download TCS ILP Material Collections - Facebook

Thanks facebook friends. 

Management Jobs in Balmer Lawrie & Co Limited 2011

Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd invites application for the posts of Senior Management Post in the department of Strategic Planning,  Middle Management Positions in the department of Corporate Communciations, Strategic Planning, Junior Management Positions in the department of Accounts & Finance, Engineering & Projects, Performance Chemicals, Strategic Planning. The more information related to the posting are given in the link.

Last Date: 15.05.2011

Posting Details:

Senior Management Positions
  • Strategic Planning
Middle Management Positions
  • Corporate Communications
  • Strategic Planning
Junior Management Positions
  • Accounts & Finance
  • Engineering & Projects
  • Performance Chemicals
  • Strategic Planning
For more details please visit the link at Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd

Problem Statement,Objective,Scope And Existing System - Project Specification 2011

Problem Statement:

Document indexing is a tedious process because if the document contains thousands ofpages the writer should spend time on indexing alone and the writer cannot involve in any otheractivities of document writing. Thus manually indexing the document is definitely a waste of time,energy and money.


The objective is to totally avoid the manual effort for indexing and it provides an easyway to the writer to index the document automatically. Thus this leads to the creation of an addon toopen office writer 3.2 applications which automatically index the document or book.

Existing System:

In the existing concept of indexing the author have to make entries of the words to beindexed in a particular book and need to create an index table. The present algorithms in indexingtechnique in open office writer 3.2 make the writer to index particular words manually. This makes theuser to access the particular data which he wants. Manual indexing becomes a tedious job when thedocument goes very large.

Proposed System:

Automatic document indexing in open office writer 3.2 reduces the manual effort of theuser for indexing the document. In the proposed concept of indexing the author can just click the add-on button “Auto Index” which automatically searches and fixes words for indexing the document or book.

SDLC - Software Development Life Cycle Methodology 2011

Software Life Cycle Model (SLCM) is a representation of the major components ofsoftware development work and their inter relationship in a graphical framework that can be easilyunderstood and communicated. Just as the WBS partitions the deliverable its component parts so the SLCM apportions the work to be done into manageable work units.

Need For Software Development Life Cycle Model (SDLC) 2011

Software Development Life Cycle Model Needs are
  1. Define the work to be performed
  2. Divide up the work into manageable pieces
  3. Determine project milestones at which performance can be evaluated
  4. Define the sequence of work units
  5. Provide a framework for definition and storage of the deliverable produced by the project
  6. Communicate your development strategy to project stack holders

Better Chosen Incremental Model For Project 2011

Why we have chosen incremental model are
  • When developing the project with incremental model
  • The working software are quickly generated.
  • Testing and identifying the bugs is easy
  • Modules can be modified easily
For better all project have choose incremental model then we got good development knowledge as well as to produce good software.

Project Under Testing in Integration Method 2011

Integration is a systematic approach to build the complete software structure specified in thedesign from unit-tested modules. Integration testing identifies problems that occur when unit arecombined. By using a test plan that requires testing each unit and ensuring the viability of eachcombining units, any errors discovered when combining units are likely related to the interface betweenunits. It is a logical extension of Unit testing. The integration plan describes the sequence ofintegration, overhead software, test environment and resources required.

Sample Conclusion in Project And Index Project Conclusion 2011

Conclusion :

The extension project called “Autoindex” is developed to open office writer application tocompletely reduce the effort of manual indexing. For the document indexing, the cross documentrelationships between words are incorporated. Experimental results on the sample datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed indexing approach and the results also shows the importance of thecross document relationships between the words. The extensions are easy and best approach for addingadditional features in Open Office Org. Add on builder makes this extension feature as a portable oneand thus it can be used in earlier, present and future versions of Open Office applications. The ultimatebenefit of this project are to save cost, reduce time and energy for the indexing process.

Bonafide Certificate Format - Anna University Project 2011

This is to certify that the dissertation entitled <project name> is a bonafide work carried out by <project team member's name with register name> under my direct supervision is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of <Bachelor of Technology or Bachelor of Engineering> in <college name> to Anna University of Technology Tiruchirappalli,Madurai with <University full address> No part of the dissertation has been submitted for any degree/diploma or any other academic award anywhere before.
<Project Supervisor>

Functional Requirement Analysis - Example Project 2011

Functional Requirement Analysis


An index is a system used for finding information easier. Indexing is a process ofidentifying the keywords in the document and listing the keywords at the end of the document whichmakes the user to traverse the document efficiently.

How to index:

Indexing a document requires analysis of various technical keywords of differentdomains in various industries. The analyzed collection of keywords of different domains of variousindustries is made as a list and it is named as index list file. The document to be indexed is indexed bycomparing the index list file.

How to search the index:

Each collected keyword in the index list file is compared with the document to beindexed. For instance if anyone of the keywords matches with the any one of the words in thedocument to be indexed, the occurrence of that keyword in the document is analyzed and theoccurrence value is compared with the threshold value. If the occurrence value of the keyword is eitherequal to or greater than the threshold value then the whole occurrence of the keyword is uniquely addressed.

How to classify the index entry:

The addressed keyword is analyzed with their respective page numbers and it is indexedvirtually. The same process is done for finding the keywords in the document. After finding all thekeywords with their respective page numbers it is sorted in alphabetically and indexed at the end of thedocument.


The language chosen for the project is English. The English language is a most commonlanguage used worldwide which makes the project to be used worldwide.

Non Functional Requirements - Example Project 2011

Data collection:

The major part of the project is data collection because identifying the keywords is notan easy task. The efficiency of this project depends on the words collection thus data collection plays an important role in this project. The keywords are analyzed from various domains of differentindustries and the important terms are collected and made as a list. This list is named as index list. Theindex list contains keywords of various domains such as software, hardware, internet, etc.,

Data filtration:

The collected keywords form various domains are analyzed and the most important terms are filtered using an experimental strategy. The words with two or less than two characterscannot be a keyword and thus these words are eliminated. With some exceptions like abbreviations andname of the languages like c, c++, c# etc., are included in the index list file. The words having samemeaning but different tenses like present continuous, past continuous, etc., are excluded from the indexlist file. The filtration process is an iterative process and thus filtration is done periodically andefficiency of the filtered words are tested by indexing different documents. Further filtration of thekeywords leads to appropriate selection of keywords for a particular document and thus data filtrationplays a vital role in this project.

Flexible architecture for future enhancements:

This project can be developed as component which in turn makes it portable and thus itcan be used in many platforms like Microsoft Windows versions and Linux versions also. Keenapproach of some best algorithms for filtering the keywords can put into research and the efficiency ofindexing the document can further be improved and it can be led to the way of accuracy. Beingaccurate is not enough and thus an effective algorithm which can improve the speed of the indexingprocess can also be found in the future.

How the Search Descriptor Works - Sample Project 2011

The Search Descriptor is used to search string in the document . the following steps we done before search any type of string the search document.
  1. Virtually a search descriptor is created in the document using which the search operation is done.
  2. The first word in the index list is taken and compared with the document to be indexed.
  3. The Find all function is used to search the occurrence of the first word in the document.
  4. If the first word matches with any of the words in the document then that word is assigned to the index entry address.
  5. Similar process takes place till end of document.

Future Enhancements of Sample Project 2011

in our sample index project have following Future Enhancements and every lines must be implemented in future may be in open office

Future Enhancements :

To implement Auto Index extension not only in Open Office but also in other office applicationslike Microsoft Office, Star office etc.,

To implement Auto index using some standard index algorithm such as graph based rankingalgorithm and probabilistic approach of automatic indexing.

To define the user level option like specifying the pages to be indexed such as odd pages, evenpages or selective pages.

To develop auto index for all type of datasets.

Requirement Specification in Project - Online Project 2011

Following are the functional needs of the system.
Inputs of the application (algorithm) are the tuples that comes from various weather stations which are in different networks. The tuples consists of the weather informations like air temperature , dewpoint temperature and humidity with respect to time. The tuples are inputted to the algorithm specified.
In traditional algorithm, the join operation on the arriving tuples are not performed until the whole relation gets downloaded. After receiving the entire relations they are joined to get the resultset. The graph is plotted as per the join results. The adaptive join algorithm, starts producing join results as soon as the first input tuples arrive. Here also the graph is plotted as per the join results and the output graphs are compared for performance evaluation. The resultsets are also compared.
Result set that are generated from the input tuples. and The graphs that are plotted based on the generated result set.

Details Procedure To Generate Graph in Project 2011

To generates the graph using the input tuples that arrive from different weather stations. The graphs are plotted for both traditional algorithm and adaptive join algorithm. The tuples provides the informations like weather station name, measurements like air temperature, dew point temperature and relative humidity which is plotted against the time period to compare the weather in distinct stations.The graphs are generated as images which can be saved for future references using the GD plugins of Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP). In traditional algorithms the join results are not produced until the whole relations are received. So the graphs are plotted after the traditional algorithm produce join results. But, in adaptive join algorithms the graphs are plotted as soon as the first input tuples arrive and thus masks theetworks delay.

Dataset, Result Merger And Graph Module Specification For Project 2011

Dataset Manipulation

Performing insert, delete, update and select operation in our project through mysql database.Multi tables have been used in the systems, the dataset creation can be used to create tables .In dataset creation the tables for employees and students and their personal details have been created. Multiple tables are used for the map reduce styles.


Queries are divided into sub queries and each subqueries are allocated to individual processor.Coordinator is the responsible for the splitting of queries and the merging of the extracted result from the query splitting.Coordinator monitors both the query transformer and the result merger.

Query Transformer

Subqueries are allocated to relevant processors and the subqueries are evaluated in their processor.Query transformers makes the query into sub queries.The sub queries are allocated to the individual processors to evaluate the queries.

Result Merger

The result from the subqueries are joined to form the expected results.The evaluated queries are retrieved from databases.The values are retrieved and values merged to get the merged result.

Graph (Performance Comparision)

The final outcome will be displayed. Perfomance comparision between existing and proposed system will be displayed graphically.

Software Testing and Testing Principles Project Details 2011

Testing is the phase where the errors remaining from all the previous phases must be detected. Hence, testing performs a very critical role for quality assurance and for ensuring the reliability of the software. A software development system can be injected by errors at any stage during the development. For each phase we have discussed different techniques for detecting and eliminating errors that originate in that phase.

However, some requirements errors and design errors are likely to remain undetected. Ultimately, those errors will be reflected in the code since behavior can be observed, testing is the phase where the errors remaining from the earlier phases also must be detected. Hence testing performs a very critical role for quality assurance and for ensuring the reliability of software.

Latest and Important Honeywell Technology Interview Question Paper 2011

Latest and Important Honeywell Technology Interview Question Paper 2011

These is a Honeywell Technology Question Paper. This file consists lof of model solved questions and answer. you can practise these questions as offline. These Honeywell Techology Question Paper are covered all basic questions about the Honeywell Technology Interview. if you can refer those questions surely some of questions are arrive again in Honeywell Technology Question Paper. Be solve these questions as first and also you download those Honeywell Technology Interview Question Paper from below link. These is a Sample Honeywell Technology Interview Questions paper and Frequently asked Honeywell Technology Interview Questions and Important Honeywell Technology Interview Question Paper

Download Latest and Important Honeywell Technology Interview Question Paper 2011

Latest and Important Birla Soft Interview Question Paper 2011

Latest and Important Birla Soft Interview Question Paper 2011

These is a Birla Soft Question Paper. This file consists lof of model solved questions and answer. you can practise these questions as offline. These Birla Soft Question Paper are covered all basic questions about the Birla Soft Interview. if you can refer those questions surely some of questions are arrive again in Birla Soft Question Paper. Be solve these questions as first and also you download those Birla Soft Interview Question Paper from below link. These is a Sample Birla Soft Interview Questions paper and Frequently asked Birla Soft Interview Questions and Important Birla Soft Interview Question Paper

Download Latest and Important Birla Soft Interview Question Paper 2011

Latest and Important IGate Interview Question Paper 2011

Latest and Important IGate Interview Question Paper 2011

These is a IGate Question Paper. This file consists lof of model solved questions and answer. you can practise these questions as offline. These IGate Question Paper are covered all basic questions about the IGate Interview. if you can refer those questions surely some of questions are arrive again in IGate Question Paper. Be solve these questions as first and also you download those IGate Interview Question Paper from below link. These is a Sample IGate Interview Questions paper and Frequently asked IGate Interview Questions and Important IGate Interview Question Paper

Download Latest and Important IGate Interview Question Paper 2011

Latest and Important Accenture Interview Question Paper 2011

Latest and Important Accenture Interview Question Paper 2011

These is a Accenture Question Paper. This file consists lof of model solved questions and answer. you can practise these questions as offline. These Accenture Question Paper are covered all basic questions about the Accenture Interview. if you can refer those questions surely some of questions are arrive again in Accenture Question Paper. Be solve these questions as first and also you download those Accenture Interview Question Paper from below link. These is a Sample Accenture Interview Questions paper and Frequently asked Accenture Interview Questions and Important Accenture Interview Question Paper

Download Latest and Important Accenture Interview Question Paper 2011

Latest Oracle Interview and Placement Question Paper 2011

Latest Oracle Interview and Placement Question Paper 2011

These is a Oracle Question Paper. This file consists lof of model solved questions and answer. you can practise these questions as offline. These Oracle Question Paper are covered all basic questions about the Oracle Interview. if you can refer those questions surely some of questions are arrive again in Oracle Question Paper. Be solve these questions as first and also you download those Oracle Interview Question Paper from below link. These is a Sample Oracle Interview Questions paper and Frequently asked Oracle Interview Questions and Important Oracle Interview Question Paper

Download Latest Oracle Interview and Placement Question Paper 2011

Latest Solved ABB Company Interview and Placement Question Paper 2011

Latest Solved ABB Company Interview and Placement Question Paper 2011

These is a ABB Company Question Paper. This file consists lof of model solved questions and answer. you can practise these questions as offline. These ABB Company Question Paper are covered all basic questions about the ABB Company Interview. if you can refer those questions surely some of questions are arrive again in ABB Company Question Paper. Be solve these questions as first and also you download those ABB Company Interview Question Paper from below link. These is a Sample ABB Company Interview Questions paper and Frequently asked ABB Company Interview Questions and Important ABB Company Interview Question Paper

Download Latest Solved ABB Company Interview and Placement Question Paper 2011

Latest Solved Accel Frontline Question Paper For Placement 2011

Here you can download Accel Frontline Question Paper for your Accel Frontline interview. At the First round Will be Aptitude Section at these time these Accel Frontline Interview Questions are very useful. if you are really solved those questions means you can score good marks in Aptitude Round. Make sure that you can download this Solved Accel Frontline Question Paper From below link. These is a Best Accel Frontline Placement Questions and Important Accel Frontline Interview Question Paper

Download Latest Solved Accel Frontline Question Paper For Placement 2011

Latest Solved ABB Question Paper Collection 2011

Here you can download ABB Question Paper for your ABB interview. At the First round Will be Aptitude Section at these time these ABB Interview Questions are very useful. if you are really solved those questions means you can score good marks in Aptitude Round. Make sure that you can download this Solved ABB Question Paper From below link. These is a Best ABB Placement Questions and Important ABB Interview Question Paper

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Latest Solved Accenture Question Paper For Placement 2011

Here you can download Accenture Question Paper for your Accenture interview. At the First round Will be Aptitude Section at these time these Accenture Interview Questions are very useful. if you are really solved those questions means you can score good marks in Aptitude Round. Make sure that you can download this Solved Accenture Question Paper From below link. These is a Best Accenture Placement Questions and Important Accenture Interview Question Paper

Download Latest Solved Accenture Question Paper For Placement 2011

Important Acumen Software Question Paper For Placement 2011

Here you can download Acumen Software Question Paper for your Acumen Software interview. At the First round Will be Aptitude Section at these time these Acumen Software Interview Questions are very useful. if you are really solved those questions means you can score good marks in Aptitude Round. Make sure that you can download this Solved Acumen Software Question Paper From below link. These is a Best Acumen Software Placement Questions and Important Acumen Software Interview Question Paper

Download Important Acumen Software Question Paper For Placement 2011

Important Aditi Question Paper For Placement 2011

Here you can download Aditi Question Paper for your Aditi interview. At the First round Will be Aptitude Section at these time these Aditi Interview Questions are very useful. if you are really solved those questions means you can score good marks in Aptitude Round. These is a Best Aditi Placement Questions and Important Aditi Interview Question Paper

Download Important Aditi Question Paper For Placement 2011

3i Placement and Interview Question Paper 2011

The 3i software company have lot of career offer and take placement process in lot of colleges and universities. The Interview Process of 3i is Aptitude Section, Verbal Section, Group Discussion, Personal Interview. The Selection Process was vary depends on the college grads and universities level. At the written test level these question paper are use ful to recall all things about that interview. so don't miss these question. you can download those 3i Placement question paper from below link. these is a best and solved 3i placement question and answer

Download 3i Placement and Interview Question Paper 2011

Information Technology Library Automation Problem Statement 2011

The  department of Information technology Wishes to computerize all the library activities in order to reduce the work load time consumption. Everybody  knows that library activities  include many  complex stage  of  operation which have to be done with more security. The details about the entry of new books,updating of book details, search of the book,issue of book must be maintained in a handwritten records all of these details need to be verified frequency by library in charge in order to avoid confusions. The maintenance of the handwritten records does not human intervention.

In order  problem it to avoid these problems it is better to automate all the library activities. The administration can  make  entry  of the new book details, can  update the existing details .Both the administrator and staff can search the availability of book by  specifying either the book name,code.the book code unique and automatically by the system.there by avoiding the confusion of two books having the same code which makes the search easier.when the searching is done by means of name wise ,there is a possibility of the all the book details having the same name will be displayed issue of the  book to the staff is done  after verifying  the staff id,availability of the tokens availability of the tokens and book.

all these activities can be done by the administrator within a fraction of seconds.the details provided by the administrator are stored in the central database and the required  details can be accessed from this database.

Association Method in Use case Project 2011

association between actor and use case are indicate in use case diagram by solid line .an association exit whenever an actor is involved with an interaction described by use case.association are modeled as lines connection use case and actor to one another,with an optional arrowhead on one end one another ,the arrowhead is often used to indicating the direction of the initial invocation of there relationship or to indicate the primary actor within the use case.the arrowhead are typically confused with data flow and use case.

How Can You Make Your Resume Inevitably Impressive

Here are a few points that you must consider when making your resume
Follow the most current format that is accepted industry wide.Resumes can not follow the same format and needs to be updated in format (not just content) if the amount of years of experience changes. If you have a resume that was very impressive to get your first job (as a fresher), you could not just add the experiences and send it for a job if you fit in for a three year experience requirement. The format needs to change.Remember that an impressive resume with software background can not be simply modified in content to be an impressive resume that would be sent for a job with requirments in chemical background.An email is the most efficient and convenient way to reach you. If you do not have one, get one. And place it in your resume.Using a Microsoft Word attachment is more preferable than a notepad (plain text) attachment. Remember, most resumes are short listed into the second level within a couple of minutes when there are a few scores of resumes to check. To be noticed, highlight critical lines. Do not over highlight. Do not over capitalize. Do not over format. Do not make it gaudy or difficult to read.Have a Header and a Footer section. Do not forget Page Numbers. Do not forget to include your Name as a header on all pages.Include appropriate job responsibilities and highlight the areas that are important for the job you are applying for. This enables qualification for being short-listed to the next level. The first round of short-list is usually getting the inappropriate resumes out of the way. And to prove your appropriateness, do not leave out the chance of not being read when you really should be qualified.
Include your contact information. Format it differently and appropriately to stand out from the other content. You could include it in the beginning or in the end. Include your Name, Contact Address with Telephone Number and Email Address and your gender and BirthDate. Including your picture helps, not always. Use your discretion and unless specified, it will never be a minus not to include one.

Who is hackers and Hacker Definition 2011

Are hackers bad? Originally the term "hacker" was used as a compliment in the computer community to denote an expert, especially those who experiment with and use code to improve software and computer performance.

In popular usage and in the media, it generally describe computer intruders or criminals."Hacking" can be looked at as a collection of skills like a locksmith's ability to pick locks it can be used for good or evil.

We realize that the positive definition of hacker was widely used for many years before the negative, and could be considered more authentic. But, we prefer to follow the common popularusage since the positive form is confusing and not likely to overcome the negative connotation.We apologize to all the "good hackers" out there.

Common Gateway Interface General Specification 2011

CGI is short for Common Gateway Interface. Basically, a CGI script is aprogram that runs on a web server.

These scripts can do anything from counting hits on aweb page to processing forms.

We use several types of these on our web site. In fact, when you signed up for thisnewsletter, you used a CGI script.

Marketing Director Sample Cover Letter 2011

Dear Sir/Madam:

Creating successful marketing programs is more of a provocative challenge than ever before. An effective, results-producing Marketing Director needs to possess a global, wide-ranged marketing vision and successful event production, in tandem with the talent to tap into existing marketing channels. As a Marketing Director with these qualifications, my success lies in my ability to evaluate each of these channels, determine the most appropriate mix of marketing tools, and create the campaigns that deliver results. Highlights of the experience and demonstrated talent I would bring to your organization include:

Direct the strategic planning, development and implementation of marketing programs designed to accelerate business while launching expansion, services, and profitability. My ability to build and lead cross-functional teams of creative design, marketing and management personnel has been critical to performance.

Led the sixth largest shopping mall in the nation, Roosevelt Field, through a period of rapid growth and expansion, to meet the needs of an aggressive corporate property investment organization. Producing significant profitability.Coordinated the marketing promotions and strategies for over 270 of the nation's leading retailers and major department stores. Results were significant.

Successfully owned and operated a special event business venture for 10 years. Produced grand openings for the fashion industry, shopping centers, magazine promotions, and consumer product launches.At this juncture in my career, I am seeking new professional challenges where I can provide creative Senior Level Marketing expertise. I would welcome the opportunity to meet, discuss and explore the possible merging of my talent, experience and enthusiasm, with your organizational marketing needs.

How to Write Simple Mail Cover Letter Example 2011

Respected Sir,

I am finished my B.Tech (Petrochemical Technology) in School of Engg., & Tech., (SET), Bharathidasan University, Trichy  with an aggregate of 70% (First Class). I will be much pleased to work efficiently and effectively as well as grow with a prestigious organization in field of production and designing. So as to achieve self realization and accomplishment of organizational goals.

I have very good communication skills, technical skills & leadership qualities. I did my Project in Chennai Petroleum Corporation ltd., (CPCL) in the topic of “ Design of Unifiner & Catalystic Reformer(Platformer Reactor). The main aim of the project is to increase the octane number of petrol & equipment design. I did my mini-project in the topic of “Cryogenics” in Bharathidasan University, Trichy.

The aim of the project is to produce high purity gases by using cryogenics Techniques. I attend  the Institutional Inplant Training in Southern Petroleum corporation ltd., (SPIC) for 3 weeks. In this Mail, I attach a copy of my resume for your kind reference.

Latest Solved Aditi Interview and Placement Question Paper 2011

These is a Aditi Question Paper. This file consists lof of model solved questions and answer. you can practise these questions as offline. These Aditi Question Paper are covered all basic questions about the Aditi Interview. if you can refer those questions surely some of questions are arrive again in Aditi Question Paper. Be solve these questions as first and also you download those Aditi Interview Question Paper from below link. These is a Sample Aditi Interview Questions paper and Frequently asked Aditi Interview Questions and Important Aditi Interview Question Paper

Download Latest Solved Aditi Interview and Placement Question Paper 201]

Objective Type of English Questions and Solved MAT Questions 2011

This suspicion is exemplified by national officer of the Transport and General Workers’ Union,who also accuses employers of often having as their real motivation, a desire to weaken collective strength. Anacademic’s view is that HRM sits uncomfortably withindustrial relations since, among other things, managers endeavorer to bypass unions to achieve their ends. But notall unions are opposed to HRM, one particularly perceptive view being that it is inevitably an acknowledgement bymanagement that workers should be more involved indecision-making. A rider to this is that it brings manager sunder greater pressure to deliver and opens them toaccusations of merely playing lip-service to the concept if they prove unhappy about being challenged. A further viewis that HRM in the United Kingdom is a pale shadow of the regimes that exist in Continental Europe, since the ‘power’offered to workers is rather illusory and allows little scopefor feedback from workers to upper echelons of management.

Questions :

The author would agree with which of the following?

(1) The individual’s value in any organisation is todayproperly recognized.

(2) The individual’s value in any organisation wasalways recognised.

(3) The individual’s value is not recognised even todayin any organisation.

(4) The individual is expected to do much less todaythan what he used to do earlier.

The success of British Airways can be attributed to ?

(1) its adaptation of human resource management principles.

(2) its superior service and timely running offlights.

(3) its consideration that its employees are combatantsin a battle, thus giving them more responsibility.

(4) Both (1) and (3).

One of the salient features of the Japanese work pattern is ?

(1) all the Japanese regard work as worship.

(2) the decisions are usually taken by the topmanagement, thus leading to success.

(3) the belief in teamwork and taking decisions byconsensus.

(4) the respect for elders and their style of working.

The trade unions oppose human resourcemanagement policies because ?

(1) if workers become more responsible the traditionalrole of unions is jeopardised.

(2) it is the tendency of the unions to oppose anythingnew.

(3) it will lead to greater interference by themanagement in union activity.

(4) None of these.

Why do some managements not allow seepingdown of responsibility?

(1) They want to take all the decisions themselves.

(2) Employees may make mistakes and hencegiving them responsibility would not be beneficial.

3) They have a basic

Modern Culture History - How Culture Different From Other Culture 2011

Definitions of ‘culture’ are contested. In anthropological-usage, the word refers to a system of shared meaning through which collective existence becomes possible.However, as many recent critiques of this position point out, this sense of culture gives no place to the idea of judgement, and hence to the relations of power by which the dominance of ideas and tastes disestablished. As Said says about Matthew Arnold’s view of culture:“What is at stake in society is not merely the cultivation of individuals, or the development of a class of finely turned sensibilities, or the renaissance of interests in the classics,but rather the assertively achieved and won hegemony of an identifiable set of ideas, which Arnold honorific ally calls,culture, over all other ideas in society.
”The implications of Arnold’s view of culture are profound; they lead us towards a position in which culture must be seen in terms of that which it eliminates as much as that which it establishes. Said argues that when culture is consecrated by the State, it becomes a system of discrimination's and evaluations through which a series of exclusions can be legislated from above. By the enactment of such legislation the State comes to be the primary giver of values. Anarchy, disorder, irrationality, inferiority, bad taste and immorality are, in this way, defined and then located outside culture and civilization by the State and its institutions.
This exclusion of austerity is an important device by which the hegemony of the State is established; either certain ‘others’ are defined as being outside culture, as are‘mad’ people; or they are domesticated, as with penalservitude—Foucault’s monumental studies on the asylum and the prison demonstrate this.It is this context which we must understand in order to fully appreciate the challenge posed by the community to the hegemony of the state, especially to the notion that the State is the sole giver of values. At the same time, the dangerous that we may in the process be tempted to vaporize the community as somehow representing a more organic mode,and therefore a more authentic method of organizing culture.Many scholars feel that culture is more organically related to the traditions of groups, whereas traditions are falsely invented by the hands of State.
So, we arrive at this double definition of culture. By this I mean that the word ‘culture’ refers to both a system for shared meanings which defines the individual’s collective life, as well as a system for the formulation of judgements which are used to exclude austerities, and which thus keep the individual strictly within the bounds defined by society.It is in view of this that the question of cultural rights seems to me to be placed squarely within the question of passions rather than interests.
It is time now to define passion.After the classical work of Hirsch man on political passions, it was usual to think of passions as obstructions in the path of reason. Passions had to be overcome for enlightened interest to emerge. This view of passions is extremely limited. Indeed, certain kinds of revelations,including the recognition of oneself as human, become possible only through passion. If the self is constituted only through the Other—so that desire, cognition, memory and imagination become possible through the play ofpassion—then the revelatory role of passion must be acknowledged not only in the life of the individual but alison the life of the collective. Passion then must play a role in politics.
As we have seen, the demand for cultural rights at this historical moment is in a context where cultural symbol shave been appropriated by the State, which tries to establish monopoly over ethical pronouncements. The State is thus experienced as a threat by smaller units, who feel that their ways of life are penetrated, if not engulfed, by this larger unit. The situation is quite the opposite of the relation between the part and the whole in hierarchical systems, relation seen as the characteristic mark of traditional politics in South Asia.
In a hierarchical system, differences between constituent units were essential for the ‘whole’ to reconstituted.In other words, small units came to be defined by being bearers of special marks in a hierarchical entity. And although by definition they could not be equal in such a system, thievery logic of hierarchy assured that they could not be simply engulfed into the higher totality. This was both a source of their oppression as well as a guarantee of their acceptance(though not a radical acceptance) of their place in the world.My argument is not an appeal for a return to hierarchy a principle of organization. Rather, it is an effort to locate the special nature of the threat which smaller groups feel.

Latest Personal Interview Questions For Mechanical Stream 2011

These are the following questions are asked frequently in any interview process or personal interview at the mechanical stream.

1. What is PDCA cycle, how is it helpful?

2. What is line balancing...How do you balance the line

3. What are the different types of plant layout, What type of layout is used for Aeroplane/shipbuilding

4.From what will the Production planning process start/ Initial step to start the Production planningprocess

5. What is turn over of a company in simple terms?

6. What is the carbon content in stainless steel

7. What is the common name for PA66 plastic

8. What is true stress and strain? How is it different from Stress and Strain?

9. How are threads represented (internal and external)?

10. What does M stand for in M6, M8, M10... type of nuts?

11. What is the different type of milling machines?

12. What is centre less grinding?

13. What is the effect of rake angle in a machine tool...Why is negative rake angle given?

14. What is tackt time, why is it important?

15. What is Cp and Cpk. What should be their values?

16. What is value stream mapping?

17. What is activity sampling? What is the sample size used normally?

18. What are the uses of Linear programming

19. Give few examples/application Pneumatics and Hydraulics in daily life

20. What are allowances given for Core and cavity for a casting

21. What is the size of the sheet metal used for applications?

22. Who is the father of scientific management?

These Questions are most important because if you are going to attend any type of personal interview these questions really help you. make sure prepare answer for that questions before enter the interview. These is Best and Frequently asked Personal Interview questions

Latest Top Companies GD Topics For Placement 2011

These are some collections of GD topics which mostly asked top software companies like TCS, WIPRO, INFOSYS, IBM etc. for your placement refer all GD topics and prepare well.

GD Topics :
  1. Current education system.
  2. Should follow western culture or not.
  3. Effect of Extra marital affairs on marriage life.
  4. Should film actors enter politics are not
  5. Remixing of old songs
  6. Rebirth.Life after death.
  7. Are spiritual leaders holy are not.
  8. Should Valentines day, Women’s day and other western culture be celebrated.
  9. Future of IT industry in India.Population explosion.
  10. Is movies fans association necessary?.
  11. Indian cricket team is consistent or not.
  12. IT should be necessary in rural area or not.
  13. Advantage & disadvantages of Outsourcing.
  14. India & Pakistan matches are passion or not.
  15. Brain Drain.Beauty Pea gent should be conducted or not.
  16. Communication Skills is it necessary.
  17. Exam Has Killed the Education system.
  18. Border less World: A Dream Or Reality.
  19. Quality Is A Myth In India.Success
  20. In Human Relations.
  21. Sports Of India.
  22. Sonia Gandhi as our PM.
  23. Leaders ,Born or Made.
  24. Is Internet suitable for Youngsters?.
  25. Is MBA necessary.
  26. Betting in cricket should legalized or not.
  27. Should chatting through Internet be banned in IT industry.
  28. Metro train in Bangalore advantages and disadvantages.
  29. Sania Mirza a sportswomen or a model.
  30. China a threat or an opportunity.
  31. Should sex education taught in schools.
  32. Open Source v/s Microsoft.Should Youth indulge in Politics?.
  33. Mallika Sherwat a role model.
  34. Women managers are better than Men managers.
  35. Should smoking be banned in movies?
  36. IT sector captivating younger generation from entering into new fields.
  37. Indian Corporates should follow Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.
  38. OBC reservation –Boon or Bane.IITs and IIMs in every state of India.

Future Generation of Air Freight Pursue Project 2011

The Future generation applications are scalable and offered in both hosted and license options to suit companies of all sizes with a wide range of business needs. Air freight pursue modules enable fast interoperability with business partners (customers, agents, and service providers) throughout the air cargo supply chain In addition to the core airline business, the Air freight pursue portfolio includes extensive ground handling modules addressing the needs of international cargo quality principles and Air freight pursue also leverages its domain knowledge of cargo airlines and experience of ERP (enterprise resource planning) applications to deliver outsourcing consultancy and leading-edge SAP financial platforms for financial and accounting operations to airlines managing freight. Through this online tracking facility user can get real time status information on your shipment. All the customer have to do is select the airline, verify or change the prefix of shipment number, AWB number this system will automatically retrieve and display the current status of your cargo. Below are the modules designed to develop the project by implementing for faster and update latest web-technology.
  • Freight Service with AJAX: It will make the service better and faster as compared with the current service provided in the cargo industry.
  • Freight disbursement applying gateway: provides the registration and payment of the freight directly with our web-site.
  • Freight Administration: The web-site is administrated by the web-admin and controlling the complete activities of the project.
  • Global Cargo distribution with web-service : provides the distribution channel with the new service applying the web-service for transfer huge data.
  • Cargo Reporting structure: The online status of any cargo can be reported with applying reporting methods of web-service

Abstract - Business Integration System and Maintenance Project Specification 2011

The developed system is entitled “Business Integration System and Maintenance”, which is used to automate the internal works of an office through intranet application. The internal works of an office such as Visitor Register, Leave Register, Meeting Register, Telephone Register, In/Out Register and Inward/Outward Register are effectively maintained by the system. The system has the ability to generate various kinds of reports according to category wise. Also the system gives a dynamic report for the logged persons at current time. Even though the system is running in online, it gives full security to data in the database. The underlying architecture of the system is Java, so the system itself becomes a platform independent one. As the system developed in production environment with framework concept, the system becomes bug free one and easy to enhance in the future. The framework separates business logic from the presentation logic. So, one can easily modify or update the presentation tier without known of business tier and vice-versa. Due to usage of light weight components, the system will response quickly even though in a high traffic network. The system developed with high security. So, one can use the system except authorized persons. The administrator has the full control over the system. The internal works of an office is integrated through the developed system.

Customer Care Live Support Project Requirement Specification 2011

Customer Care Live Support is a Live Chat Software for live help, live support, visitor tracking, and proactive sales support for your web site. It allows Companies to communicate, or chat, in real time with visitors. With no need for extra software, you can provide live help from any computer, anywhere. As a software based solution there are no additional monthly fees, service fees or per operator charges. It converts browsers into customers and delivers maximum ROI from every click-through to your e Business site.Designed to connect you with visitors on your site. Provide real human interaction at the moment when they make decision, proactively help them with more products and services. Many wonder just how effective their web site really is. How much traffic do we actually receive? Is our web site marketing working? With Customer Care Live Support, you can see who is on your site.

Customer Care Live Support this one of the Tools Software

  • Admin Module
  • Customer Module
  • Server Module
Admin Module
  • Customer Maintained
  • Customer Chat
Customer Modules
  • Visit To Visitor Chat

Advance Information And Computer Technology Automation Project 2011

With the advancement in Information/Computer Technology various process are being automated. A system capable of performing various operations manually can be automated in order to reduce workload. Such a system can also be developed for educational institutes. The proposed software is designed to manage various activities in the educational institute. The system will enhance the way instructors instruct the students. Professors can distribute a variety of course materials electronically, communicate and collaborate with their students, post assignments, prepare electronic quizzes, schedule their lessons all from their desks using this system. This system considerably reduces the manual work. This project proposes the methodology for E-Learning software.

Telemetric Solution Benefits - Module Specification 2011

Nautical Telemetries system offer several functional advantages over other products: In many cases, a Telemetries load management solution pays for itself to track details System reliability is improved by a direct, positive confirmation that a command was carried out The cellular data network coverage details will be updated and can be viewed at any time.The status reports can be generated at any time.

The project contains the below modules:
  • Module description:
Nautical Catalog:The marine details of the boat and the type of nautical frequency of different sector will be maintained and it will be tracked based on the hierarchical structure format.
  • Marine governing module
This module manages and maintains the working procedure of the marine and the boat details and tracks in a defined format.
  • Wireless network module
The   Remote Connectivity Services provides satellite communications solutions to companies that operate facilities in remote locations and frontier countries. Through the design and implementation of custom-engineered VSAT (very small aperture terminal) communications, provides network solutions in remote locations, both land and sea, where reliable telecommunications infrastructure (leased lines, Internet and dial-up services) is not readily available.
  • Report module
The status of the boat and the wireless network details, the frequency details can be viewed at any time with the help of crystal report viewer. The current status can be viewed based on the requirements of the client.

Workforce Management System Project Requirement Specification 201

The Project involves the web based application for the Time sheet Management System through intranet which will take care of all details about projects. Time sheet Management is the tool required to keep track of the time management of the project and the programmers involved. The personal details of all the employees and their skill set are maintained in the database. Also their time sheet is maintained for helping manager’s understand the project status through intranet. In this project we have developed discussion forum which is very useful to interact with higher authorities, and also it give quick response to Employee and Manager or Admin.

Real Time Office Integration And HR Management Project 2011

"HRMS” maintaining a database that provides retrieving, storing and transferring data of candidates. This project keeps tracks of information pertaining to fresher and experienced candidates. It allows inserting, modifying and deleting the candidate’s details. These details are stored in a database and the resume in word format is also stored for reference. Mail Notification is provided to candidates regarding updating in their Skill sets, Qualification and training enrollments after every selected months from the date of registration. If the candidates not respond to that mail the warning message mail send to the particular candidates selected days by administrator

Therapeutic Scrutinizing Scheme Project Specification 2011

Therapeutic Scrutinizing scheme is a versatile software solution that cuts down Reports generation time and increases quality & accuracy of the information. Margin on Item(s) / Customer(s), Sales Invoice, Batch-wise Stock Position Report, Sales Analysis Report, Customer / Supplier Enquiry, etc. can be generated at the press of a key. therapeutic scrutinizing scheme has special features like Enquiry, and Analysis with full security features. While entering Purchase bills, the bills including Purchase Rate Calculation, Sale Rate Calculation along with Taxes, Discounts etc. can be verified. Entire Stock is monitored through Batches. Expiry Dates can also be monitored. Checklist for Purchases in desired format to cross verify the purchase bills can also be generated.

It even calculates the interest loss for stock holding period and provides comprehensive view on net margins. Net Margins can be arrived for Any Item / Any Item Group or company / Any Customer / Any Supplier / Any Area etc...

The project has divided in to the following modules:
  • Administrator
  • Drug module
  • Client Module
  • Scheduled Transactions
  • Scheduled Reminders.
  • Inquiry module Customer-wise, Supplier-wise, Area-wise, Salesman-wise, Item-wise
  • Reporting module
Module Description :


The administrator controls over the working of the project. The admin provides the authentication and authorization process to the employee  and approves the purchase order details of the drug.

Drug Module :

The drug details regarding the drug name, expiry date, manufacturing date and other details of the drug are updated and maintained in a centralized database.

Client Module:

The client details are maintained and updated in this module. The different types of drug will be purchased from different type of clients and the details also will be updated and monitored in this module.

Scheduled Transactions :

The purchase order of the drug and sales report and sales invoice of the drug transactions will be analyzed and updated in the database. Different type of transactions will be updated in this module.

Scheduled Reminders:

The drug used and maintained should be regularly reviewed and  verified .Frequently remainders should be set to the drug to make ensure that the stock which contains expiry date near to that should be reminded to the user to make ensure that the drug expiry details.

Inquiry module Customer-wise, Supplier-wise, Area-wise, salesman-wise:

Item wise enquiry should be taken for the drug and should be taken necessary action

Reporting Module:

Different type of reports will be generated for the drug. To get the current status of the drug details and tracking details the reporting are made and drug report, sales report, client report , stock report will be generated.

Latest and Important Adobe Placement and Aptitude Question Paper 2011

The Adobe Placement and Aptitude Question Paper are availble in our site, this consists of more than questions and answer and all are solved in easy way. This Adobe Placement and Aptitude Question Paper are collected varies sites. here it is a latest and best Adobe Placement and Aptitude Question Paper, important Adobe Placement and Aptitude Question Paper, New and old Adobe Placement and Aptitude Question Paper. you can download these files from below the link

Download Latest and Important Adobe Placement and Aptitude Question Paper 2011

Latest and Important ADP Placement and Aptitude Question Paper 2011

The ADP Placement and Aptitude Question Paper are availble in our site, this consists of more than questions and answer and all are solved in easy way. This ADP Placement and Aptitude Question Paper are collected varies sites. here it is a latest and best ADP Placement and Aptitude Question Paper, important ADP Placement and Aptitude Question Paper, New and old ADP Placement and Aptitude Question Paper. you can download these files from below the link

Download Latest and Important ADP Placement and Aptitude Question Paper 2011

Latest and Important Agile Placement and Aptitude Question Paper 2011

The Agile Placement and Aptitude Question Paper are availble in our site, this consists of more than questions and answer and all are solved in easy way. This Agile Placement and Aptitude Question Paper are collected varies sites. here it is a latest and best Agile Placement and Aptitude Question Paper, important Agile Placement and Aptitude Question Paper, New and old Agile Placement and Aptitude Question Paper. you can download these files from below the link

Download Latest and Important Agile Placement and Aptitude Question Paper 2011

Latest Agile Question Paper collections 2011

The one of the software leading company Agile has huge placement in various colleges and universities. they can offer huge salary at freshers. if you are going to attend any interview in Agile company means these question paper collection will really help you, because it consists more than 100 aptitude question paper, verbal question paper and some previous year model question paper regard that company. before attend interview or writtend test practise those question paper at your home or offline. you can download those agile question paper collection from below link.

Download Latest Agile Question Paper collections 2011

Siemens Walk in Interview and Interview Question Paper 2011

Here you can see the one of the software company has Siemens offers freshers at various engineering colleges, Art colleges and Universities. these selection process are different from other company because it has 6 rounds. Each round have elimination and test some other activities. The Detailed Interview Process as follows.

  • Domain:Product Life Cycle Management – Software
  • Role:Trainee (on probation for 1 year)
  • Type:Permanent (on completion of probation)
  • Profile:Work with implementation team on offshore projects
  • Salary:1.80 Lakhs per Annum during first year (salary revision at the end of the probation period) 3.5 Lakhs per annum after probation.
Qualification :
  • Academics:B.E / B.Tech / M.E / M.Tech
  • Marks:Minimum of 60% throughout
  • Branch : Mech. / Automobile / Production / EEE / ECE / IT /CSE / E&I
  • Technical:Programming skills in Java, C, C++.
Selection Process :
  • Round 1 : Mathematical Aptitude - 20 minutes
  • Round 2 : Programming in Java - 20 minutes
  • Round 3 : Programming in C - 20 minutes
  • Round 4 : Programming in C++ - 20 minutes
  • Round 5 : Personal Interview - 20 minutes
For Apply Details :

For more details to apply please follow this link Siemens Walk in Interview and Interview Question Paper 2011

Wireless Security Protocols (WIFI) Project in Wireless Network 2011

The use of security protocols to protect a high growth segment of wireless computer networks is not as safe from attackers as perceived. Only recently have wireless local area networks (WLANs) evolved to a mission critical stage. They are a vital part of information technology infrastructures in business, academe, government, and home usage. With this new emphasis around the reliance of WLANs, a problem of data security is front and center for exploitation by intruders. The amount of research in implementation and theoretical application is generating many questions relating to vendors’ claims of security over wireless connectivity.Today, several security protocols are in practice, but yield little if any protection against attackers. The use of the link-layer security protocol, wired equivalent privacy (WEP) as a function to encrypt wireless network transmissions is thought to be impenetrable. Many researches have created theoretical and practical attack routines to show these functions and protocols are not as secure as previously believed. An IEEE working group has released several standards for the wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) 802.11 security protocols used in WLANs. Many Research groups recommend using virtual private networking (VPN) protocols over Wi-Fi as a means of increased security due to Wi-Fi’s shortcomings. Others see cryptography as the only answer to a secured WLAN and others propose combinations of key management techniques and elliptical curve routines for encryption as a solution to this insecurity.

Wireless Device Communication in Wireless LAN 2011

The devices that communicate with an access point (AP) in a WLAN include any personal communication devices with a network interface card (NIC) that supports the 802.11protocols and TCP/IP. The majority of these devices do not have the computing capacity to employ an encryption algorithm that can sufficiently thwart off would-be attackers. Therefore,this paper will explore several of the levels of security, the surrounding myth and fact related toWi-Fi, a proposed real-time analysis of network access patterns, and several other techniques for security over wireless networks. We conclude with a proposal to use biometric and global positioning system (GPS) technology available today as a method of increasing security and minimizing the attack on a WLAN.

List of Middleware Experiments in Colleges and Universities 2011

These are list of middle ware semester practical experiments in various colleges and universities. These are the some important experiments and they require in depth knowledge about middleware subject. These practical experiments are only sample and it depends upon the colleges and universities.

Experiments :
  1. Software Component Basics
  2. Applications using COM/DCOM using ActiveX DLL
  3. Applications using COM/DCOM using ActiveX EXE
  4. Applications using ActiveX Controls
  5. Create a distributed application to download various files from various servers using RMI
  6. Implementing Java Beans
  7. Distributed Object Deployment – CORBA ( Client as Simple Java Program)
  8. Distributed Object Deployment – CORBA(Passing out parameters in CORBA Interface)
  9. Develop an Enterprise Java Bean for Banking operations
  10. Develop an Enterprise Java Bean for Library operations
  11. Create an Active–X control for File operations
  12. Develop a middleware component for retrieving Weather Forecast information using CORBA
  13. Develop a middleware component for retrieving Stock Market Exchange information using CORBA

How to Evaluate Software Components 2011

These are the some methods and procedure to evaluate any type of software related components in software or hardware industry. These evaluation mainly focus on how to integrate software components in different industry. The Evaluation process take more time to adapt all software components in the industry. The Evaluation Process are follows.
  • Main program to control all sub-routines.
  • Structured software development to partition an application into modules with respect to functional requirements in 1970s. Eg libraries
  • Moved to object oriented approach in 1980s, which led to reuse of class libraries.
  • Large companies launched enterprise oriented software reuse projects to develop domain
  • Specific business using OO technology in 1990s
  • OMG developed CORBA, main goal was to provide/support common reusable objects that may interact with each other over a network, without concerning programming languages used, OS, HW platform, comm. Protocols, etc.Sun’s EJBMS’s COM (ActiveX, COM+, .Net)

List of Different Component Softwares in Industry 2011

The Component are very useful in Software Industry because they only do some kind of operation like industry estimation process, testing the usability etc. Here you can see some different components software are available in market or industry. more or less those components are open source (free) but they can provide some limited services. but the some components are to buy some cost.
IBM’s System Object Model (SOM) in the early 1990s
Micro Soft Visual Basic and its components
OMG’s CORBA – Corporate Enterprise perspective (Object Management Group)
Micro Soft DCOM, ActiveX – Desktop prospective Sun Java, JavaBeans – Internet perspective.

Formal Definition in Software Component 2011

The Software Components are defined by the formal ways is the list of services and operations are done by the any one software industry. They need to reduce overall process in less time. The following definitions must be adopt any software components in any industry.
Practical reuse of software parts
Improves quality
Supports rapid development, leads to shorter time to market.

What is Component Software In Industry 2011

Components have to be generalized in a sufficient number of different contexts to allow for reuse. A software component is a system element offering a predefined service and able to communicate with other components. Software components are binary units of independent production, acquisition and deployment that interact to form a functioning system. Insisting on independence and binary form is essential to allow for multiple vendors and robust integration. Different software components are composed into composite systems, called Component Software.

Salient Features of Component Object Model (COM)

These are some salient features of com. which is very useful in any software industry.

COM is simple. COM defines a binary standard. It does not describe how the various programming languages may be bound to it.

COM also includes a set of services, ie API's. These API's include various helper functionsfor the COM programmer

COM is object oriented. Each COM object has its own identity and state.

COM objects can link dynamically. Just visualize them as plug and play devices on your computer: just plug it in and it starts working. Pull it out when you don't need it.

COM enables you to create distributed applications too. You don’t even have to know wherethe COM object resides when you call it. It could even reside somewhere on a remote computer.

COM applications can be written in any programming language.

Different Types of Component Object Model In Industry

In-process Component:

They are in form of (DLL's) Dynamic Link Libraries. They run in the memory space of client application (that's why they are termed as in-process). If they crash, they crash the entire client application with them as they operate in the same memory space as that of the client application.

Out-process Component:

They are in the form of (EXE's) Executables. They run in different memory space as that of client application (that's why they are termed as out-process).If they crash, it doesn't affect the client application as they operate in a different memory space as that of the client application.

Remote Component:

Remote components are just like any other component but the only difference is that remote components run from a separate remote location via a network.They are implemented using DCOM (Distributed COM).

Download Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Case Study Materials

Here you can download TCS Case Study Materials which i got from face book friends. The case study was all about frequent flier system. you have to code it in pure Java with no GUI. I don remember the exact question but the quest was like this. ABC is a flier company which maintains a DB for frequent flier system.There are 2 modes of payment1. credits2. credit card. For credits thesre are 3 types.1. gold, silver and platinum membership. Where on the basis on distance the credits will be calculated. We have to code this project without GUI and Database.

Download Tata Consultancy Services(TCS) Case Study Materials

TCS, IBM, Wipro, Infosys Number System Aptitude Question Paper and Answer

Number System Question Paper Answers:

The last digit of 1789 is equal to the last digit of 789.The last digits of the powers of 7 follow a cyclic pattern consistingof 4 steps in each cycle. The pattern is 7, 9, 3, 1, 7, 9, 3, 1, .... and so on.The power 89 when divided by 4, the remainder is 1. Hence thelast digit of 1789 is 7. Hence [3]

The product of two odd numbers is always odd and not even.Hence [4]

Let the two numbers be 29 A and 29 BHCF × LCM = Product of numbers. ?29 × 4147 = 29A × 29B    ?11 × 13 = A × B ? A = 11; B = 13

1771, when divided by 12, the remainder is 7.1773 when divided by 12, the remainder is 9.1775 when divided by 12, the remainder is 11.1777 when divided by 12, the remainder is 13.?The remainder when the sum of 1771, 1773, 1775 and 1777divided by 12 is = (7 + 9 + 11 + 13) = 4040 when divided by 12 the remainder is 4?The remainder is 4. Hence [2]

The Sum of even three terms = 3 + 2 – 5 = 0.?Sum of 48 terms = 0Hence sum of 49th and 50th terms = 3 + 2 = 5. Hence [1]

We know 63 = 216? 63 when divided by 216, the remainder is 1? (63)4 when divided by 216, the remainder is 112, i.e. 1.? 6 12 × 6 when divided by 216, the remainder is (1 × 6), i.e. 6.Hence [1]

Let n = 2, ?2 (3) (4) = 24, which is divisible by 24Let n = 3 ? 3 (9 – 1) = 3 (8) = 24, which is divisible by 24.Let n = 2, 54 – 1 = 625 – 1 = 624, which is divisible by 13.Let n = 1, 52 + 1= 26 which is divisible by 13Hence [2]

The number of divisors of a given number N (including 1 and thenumber it self) isN = am bn cp,Where a, b, c are prime are (1 + m) (1 + n) (1 + p)

x n – yn is divisible by (x-y) when n is odd is true.x n – yn is divisible by x+ y when n is even and not odd.x n – yn is divisible by (x+y) when n is odd and not even.Hence [2]

The last digit of 2563 is 5.The last digit of 6325 is 3.The last digit of the product is 5. Hence [2]

The numbers less than a lakh = 45Eliminating the case where all digits are 0, the answer is 45– 1.Hence [4]

Let 701 ? x (mod y) and 665 ? x (mod y)Subtracting we get, 36 ? 0 (mod y)i.e 36 is divisible by ‘y’. Hence [2]

Given that a > 0 and b < 0Adding, we get a – b > 0. Hence [4]

f(x) = 3 + 8x – x2f?(x) = 8 – 2xf??(x) = –2 < 0 ? it is a maximum.For a maximum f? (x) = 0? 8 – 2x = 0 ? x = 8/2 = 4? It is maximum at x = 4The maximum value = 3 + 8 (4) – (4)2 =19Hence [3]

Please use the answer choice for these kinds of problems. Theanswer is 2.Hence [2].

Executive Staff and Customer Service Cover Letter

While my background is primarily in a banking environment, I believe I offer qualities that are adaptable to other service and  professional environments to include
  • constant awareness of customer needs, account status and options
  • initiative to follow through consistently for optimum accuracy and client satisfaction
  • strict attention to detail and compliance with policy and procedure
  • excellent 'people' skills to work well with colleagues and / or clients
an excellent employee record for dependability, quality, punctuality and extra effort.Realizing that it is not always easy to evaluate a person from a summary statement, I would appreciate the chance to discuss employment with you personally in an interview.Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing form you.

How To Prepare Interview And Placement

Prepare a list of your expected interview questions based on the job description. Make sure you have a question referring to each requirement of the job. Practice answering these questions. You may want to tape your answers and listen to them to gauge your response. Try to have a relevant piece of experience or knowledge for each aspect of the job. For example, I have never used X programme but I have extensive experience with Y programme that is very similar. My understanding of how you would use X programme for this project is to...Plan to be at your interview location 15 minutes before your interview time.At this point your state of mind is most important to your success at the interview. You must believe that you will get this job. Good preparation will help you overcome nervousness and will help you to be more confident and assertive in your interview.

Most Frequently Asked Questions and Answer In Interview and Placement

Tell me about yourself.

Interviewers often use this to get the ball rolling. The key in answering this question is to be brief (you shouldn't spend more than 2 or 3 minutes answering this) and to focus on the skills required for the job. Keep in mind how your background can help the organization.

What did you enjoy least about your last position?

Don't dwell on anything negative or bad mouth a supervisor, co-workers or a department. Even though this is a negative question, you have to turn it around and answer in a positive way. Make sure that if you name a specific task that is completely unrelated to the job you're applying for (eg. do not mention software testing or technical support). Stress that even though you didn't enjoy the task you did it well because you recognized the importance.

What are your weaknesses?

We all have them. The secret is to show you are aware of them and that you're working to overcome them. Some examples, "I have a tendency to take on too much work myself. I'm trying to solve this problem by delegating more." Don't admit to weaknesses in an area that is essential to the job you're applying for. Don't admit to a personal quality that might hamper job performance (eg. don't admit to procrastination or lack of concentration). Talk about something that is tangible and that can be changed. The interviewer wants to know whether you can evaluate yourself and take steps to improve your weaknesses.

Where do you want to be in five years?

You should show that you have some goals. This is your chance to show why you are enthusiastic about this position or company. Stick to shorter-term goals and skills you want to develop that are geared to the job.

What courses are you taking?

The key is to elaborate on how the courses are related to the job for which you are applying. You should should identify your strengths in relation to the job in your answer

List of Best Questions Asked in HR, Personal Interview and Placement

Questions :
  • Why did you apply to this position?
  • Describe past programming/web development/networking projects you have worked on.
  • Describe a situation in which you were working in a team environment and there were difficulties and how they were resolved.
  • How do you know you're capable of handling this job?
  • Can you tell me if you've done anything that demonstrates initiative? Give specific examples!
  • Where does this position fit in with your career goals?
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • What is your greatest strength?
  • Describe the kind of person you think would do well in this position?
  • Describe your ideal work environment?
  • What kind of training have you had?
  • What kind of contributions can you make to this department?
  • What do you do with your spare time?
  • How do you get along with others?
  • What have former co-workers thought of you?
  • What kind of people do you prefer to work with?
  • Would your present/last supervisor recommend you?
  • Do you work well under pressure?
  • How do you feel about routine work?
  • Which of your positions was the most interesting? Why?
  • Which of your positions was the least interesting? Why?
  • Tell me about your plans for the future.
  • What part of the position interests you most?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What is the most challenging/difficult problem in your last job or at school? How did you solve it?
  • Did you ever have any conflicts within a team at work or at school? How did you resolve that?
  • Describe your last job. What exactly did you do there?

Technical Question Asked in Interview and Placement

Technical question :
  • How comfortable with programming?
  • How would you rate your programming skills on a scale of 1 to 10? 1 being poor. 10 being excellent.
  • Describe the process you take when debugging code?
  • In a work environment, how would you approach a problem you do not know the answer to?
  • Name 3 programming principles you would apply when you are developing your own software code?
  • Do you know what a firewall is?
  • You have a web server which is outside of the firewall which requires data from inside the firewall. Outline some of the issues or shortcomings you should keep in mind when you have a web server located outside of the firewall.
  • Outline two or more common problems you have experienced when programming projects for your computer courses?
  • What are some of the things you can do to better your chances of delivering a project on time and bug free.
  • What are the differences between a production platform and a development platform? Why do they exist?
  • Can you explain the basics of Hyper Text Mark-Up Language (HTML)?
  • Can you tell us what JAVA is? How does it benefit in web development?
  • What is CGI?
  • As a web developer, developing a new web application, what are some of the things you must keep in mind when dealing with different browsers?
  • What is a middleware product?
  • Please explain how you would set up a search mechanism on the web?
  • Are you familiar with the UNIX operating system? Please list 3 examples of UNIX commands.

How To Handle Personal and Technical Interview

Be relaxed but not too informal. Use your interviewers as a guide. Make sure you answer the question asked. If it has two parts answer both parts. Never "waffle". Make your answers clear and precise. Try to make all your answers relevant to the firm or job at hand. You can show a report or paper that you have done during the interview to help you along.

If it is possible structure your answer so your interviewer has a clear understanding of your thought process, e.g., "there are three common problems in the conversion of UNIX files to the format that would be compatible with this type of GIS system."

Make sure to expand on your answers, e.g., do not say I did Java programming over summer. Go into some detail about the project and make it relevant to the job at hand. Often, students give very sketchy responses to the questions.

Most interviewers often ask at the end "Do you have any questions for us?". This is a good opportunity for you to highlight knowledge you have on the issue, on the company's past work, or skills that you did not mention in the interview, e.g., "I understand that last year your firm developed a program that  Did you have this problem in coding this program? I know that Y companies developing a similar program had coding problems because ... How did you deal with it?". Please note, however, that if your interviewer is a Human Resources representative they may not be able to answer these types of questions.

After the interview do not contact the firm directly, your co-op coordinator will do so on your behalf. You may consider sending them a thank you letter that reiterates your interest in the job but always consult your Co-op Coordinator before doing so. E. Questions to Ask the Interviewer.

Do not ask a question you think the interviewer can't answer. Never embarass the interviewer!

List of Challenged Questions Asked in Personal Interview

Challenged Questions :
  • What are the biggest challenges I'll face in this position?
  • What are the next steps in the project after this component of the work is complete?
  • What tasks would occupy the majority of my time?
  • Will I be working on most projects by myself or in a group?
  • What are the three top goals you've set for this position for this work term?
  • How does this position fit in to the organizational structure of the company?
  • How will my performance be evaluated?
  • What is the typical career path for someone in this job?
  • Does this job usually lead to other positions within the company?
  • How does this position fit in with the company's long-term plans?
  • What major changes are planned for the future?
  • Can you tell me a bit about the people with whom I'd be working most closely?

List of Common Interviewing Mistakes And How To Avoid

Use our job interview tips to your advantage. Make Your Interview Count. These is are the some common interview mistakes and how to avoid those mistakes during the interview preparation, at the time of interview etc.

Be Prepared:

Prepare answers for the most frequently asked interview questions. In particular, those questions that you may find difficult to answer and work out how you will cope with them. Time permitting, a mock interview may be a good idea.  While you cannot completely rehearse your performance, many candidates find simply staging the interview scenario of use.  If you have access to a camcorder, why not video yourself and play it back - you may surprise yourself.Whether or not you land the job you want often depends on your skills in marketing your potential.  Don't miss out on that perfect job due to a lack of interview preparation and practice.

Telling the interviewer what you think they want to hear:

If you assume an employer-employee relationship will be a long-term one, it makes sense for both parties to be candid and open with each other from the start.  Rather than approaching an interview with the goal of getting the job, look upon your initial contact as a vehicle for finding out if the organisation, management and position are exactly what you were looking for.  Too many job seekers pride themselves on winning the offer whether or not they want the job.

Assuming the interviewer holds all the access :

Many job seekers do assume that a potential employer has his/her act totally together and are giving too much credit and too little empathy.  Put yourself in his/her shoes for a moment and you will realise that the employer has as much at stake in the interview as you.


Good questions serve two important functions in an interview.  Firstly, they give you the information you need to make an intelligent decision about the position and, secondly, they impress your interviewer.

Focusing on Experience rather than Benefits :

Anyone who has taken a sales course knows a potential buyer is more interested in how you can benefit him than how your product or service works.  This is also true of a potential employer.  While discussing your experience is useful, it isn't nearly as intriguing to an interviewer as how your background and skills will apply to his particular situation and to how you can benefit the employer.

Most Probably Mistakes In Personal Interview and Placement

Obsessing over catastrophic expectations :

Catastrophic expectations such as: "I will never work again" or "I will end up sleeping under a bridge" or worse "I am worthless", are much more deadly than bad dreams, because they linger in your conscious mind.  Pessimism would be bad enough if it only affected the job seeker's self esteem, but it has an even more far reaching consequence.  People who feel worthless and desperate are very poor interviewees, because no matter how hard they try, they cannot disguise their negative feelings about themselves.  If you need to banish some psychological demons, expose them to the light of rational thought and the next time you feel a catastrophic expectation about to take hold, confront it.  Consider the true probability of your catastrophic expectation, develop an alternative and devise a plan to deal with it.

Follow-Up :

Now that the interview is over, it's time to relax and wait for a response, right? WRONG! You've got one more thing to do - send a thank-you letter promptly to your interviewer, expressing your enthusiasm, interest and appreciation.  Do it as soon as possible while it is all still fresh in your mind.  You may like to use this opportunity to refer to a particular point discussed, or to add anything you may have forgotten to mention or emphasise.

Second Interview :

Good news indeed.  You are on the shortlist.Your second interview will probably be with a manager and some of your potential colleagues.  It can be time-consuming, so be prepared for a long day.  A typical agenda may include a tour of the facilities, interviews with department heads and, perhaps, lunch. It is rare to receive a verbal offer by the end of the day.  If you do receive a verbal offer, express your interest and suggest a date when you will make your decision by.  In any event, ask for written confirmation.
As for your first interview, follow-up with a thank-you letter.

Assuming the package offered is an all-or-nothing deal :

Very few things in life are as inflexible as one may believe, including remuneration packages.  If your job offer is less than expected, you probably have room to negotiate.  It is better to ask for what you want than to feel exploited.

Failing to use your leverage :

Many job seekers don't realise there are two parties in a job transaction.   The employer is dependent upon finding the right candidate.  The candidate is anxious to settle into the right job.  Both people have an equal desire to develop the best possible match.  Yet many job seekers relinquish their power when they are chosen as the number one for the job.  Instead of using their status as leverage to ask for what they want, they often squander their advantage worrying about what the employer will think.  When you are offered a job and there is still something you really want, make a counter offer before you say "yes", because once you start working your stock will take at least a year to rebuild.

Training and Placement Automation Project Specification and Abstract 2011

The project work is regarding Training and Placement Automation. This is an innovation loom for exact requirement for administration in placement cell.It is implemented using PHP, as front end and MYSQL, as back end. Our project contains details of the students records entered by administrator with unique identity and password. The recruiter will enter requirement details with their login identity and password. The shortlisted candidates are listed to the recruiter page. Candidates can view the shortlist from the student page.

Problem Statement in College Training Placement Cell Automation 2011

As the technology is growing at a faster rate the usage of manual system is reduced. We have planned to develop automation for Training Placement Cell Automation this automation is developed based on web application so the training and placement cell works are processed within or without the organization with  authorized people.In placement cell the records are maintained in paper formats and tedious work to short list the students according to the company requirements.To overcome this problem, records of the students are updated by the authorized administrator . There will be unique user name and password for the administrator . The student only view the details of the records . Only the authorized administrator should have the rights to insert,delete and update information into the data base and must short list the candidates required for the company.

Existing and Proposed System In Training Placement Cell Automation Project

Existing System :

The existing database management in the placement cell is by maintaining records of students in papers . This system adds difficulty to users in verifying records and it is a difficult and long task to update information . It requires the assistance of large man power to update the data. In case of viewing , a user has to run through large number of records to look in the detail of a particular student, which results in waste of time. This is a possibility of loss of data too in case of maintaining it in papers.

Proposed System:

The current system that is going to be built overcomes all the difficulties given above. The viewing of data by the student is very easy. The insertion, updating and deletion of the en tier set of data by the administrator are very easy. There is less possibility of data loss. The retrieval of data finishes in a matter of second and hence it is less time consuming and needs only limited manpower. The usage of password adds more security.

Requirement And Functional Specification in Placement Automation Project

Requirement analysis is the essential part in software engineering. It analyze the hardware, software, functional and non functional requirement of the system. Requirement analysis is the first phase in a software life cycle. The project without a plan does not lead to a successful termination of the project. Thus, a plan is needed for the project to be successful. Hence, requirement analysis is done at the start of the project.

Functional Specifications:

The functional requirements of this project is to shortlist the students record and viewing the shortlisted students Administrator maintain those short list in an database. The administrator have the rights to login and he will update the required database.

A system that may be required to present the user with a display of the number of records in a database. If the number of records needs to be updated, the administrator will login and necessary update will be done by the administrator.

Latest and Best Agreeya Interview Process and Placement Question Paper 2011

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Latest and Best AIG Interview Process and Placement Question Paper 2011

Here you can See AIG Placement Question Paper. This Question Paper Consists of Aptitude, Technical, Verbal and Non- Verbal Questions. The one of leading AIG software company have lot of oppurnities to fresher. so if you are going to attend any type of interview, writtent test from conducted by the AIG Company this question paper really help you. study all questions from those AIG Placement Question paper. you can download Those AIG Placement Question Paper from below link. This is a Sample AIG Interview question paper and Aptidude Questions, Technical Questions asked AIG Placement training.

Download Latest and Best AIG Interview Process and Placement Question Paper 2011

Latest and Best AIPVT Interview Process and Placement Question Paper 2011

Here you can See AIPVT Placement Question Paper. This Question Paper Consists of Aptitude, Technical, Verbal and Non- Verbal Questions. The one of leading AIPVT software company have lot of oppurnities to fresher. so if you are going to attend any type of interview, writtent test from conducted by the AIPVT Company this question paper really help you. study all questions from those AIPVT Placement Question paper. you can download Those AIPVT Placement Question Paper from below link. This is a Sample AIPVT Interview question paper and Aptidude Questions, Technical Questions asked AIPVT Placement training.

Download Latest and Best AIPVT Interview Process and Placement Question Paper 2011 #1

Download Latest and Best AIPVT Interview Process and Placement Question Paper 2011 #2

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