Some Important Facts And Tips On Burning Fat

First of all we should know about what is fat. Fat is nothing but a stored form of energy. Our body has the mechanism to store excess energy for further use. So fats can be stored in body, when burning few calories than the in taking calories. The excess calories which are not burned by our activities is turns into fat cells and stored in the body.

To avoid the storage of fat, we have to minimize the in taking calories. This is the technique to avoid fat storage in our body. But to reduce the fat already stored in the body we should involve in some physical activities such as jogging,skipping and physical exercises.

When doing physical work the fat does not suddenly burns. At first the in taken carbohydrate is converted into glucose and burned as fuel. After some time the carbohydrate is completely used, then the energy from the fat cell is taken.

Myths on burning fat :

while you are going to reduce fat in your body suddenly many of them tells that do lot of crunches to reduce the fat around your abdomen. But really crunches and situps will not burn any fat in your. It will just stimulate your abdominal muscles only. Doing lot of crunches and sit ups will affect your spinal cord too. When ever your body wants to store fat, it starts from your lower abdomen and further all over the body. The excess fat will also stored in the internal organs like kidney,liver and so on. In same time when you want to lose fat, it will burns all over the body and at last the fat stored in the lower abdomen will gets reduced. So you can not burn fat on a specific area in your body.

At that time of burning carbohydrate as fuel it will not requires more oxygen. But when we want to burn fat, it requires more oxygen. So doing cardio exercise or aerobic exercise you will intake more oxygen to burn the fat. Weekly three days you can do cardio exercise. Except that three days you can do weight training for three days in that same week. The importants of weight training at the time of fat burning routine is to prevent muscle loses. Muscle lose is one of the disadvantage while trying to burning fat. So weight training prevents the muscle lose on the fat burning routine.

The diet should be low in carbohydrate(carbs) and have sufficient nutrition's. You should have to intake more minerals and vitamins. Drinking 8 glass of water daily will improve the metabolic rate . The water will also purifies the toxic content and avoid the storage of fat.

Some Important Facts And Tips On Burning Fat

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