For the human beings, Sleeping is the important thing to live a good and healthy life. The best way is always the natural way to fall asleep, without taking any pills at all. Here many methods are given to sleep without using the sleeping pills. When you go to to bed for sleep make it relaxing. Don't think anything before you go to bed. Drink a warm glass of milk before half an hour to bedtime. If you feel like you cannot sleep. Try counting from 100 backwards. Try to imagine a person as dancing or talking . And at the same time don't concentrate vary hard. Just think passively.
Don't smoke before going to bed because nicotine causes increasing blood pressure, heart rate and brain problems. Its better to quit smoking. And also avoid drugs. They contribute mainly on the emotional distress, psychological problems will come. If you avoid such drugs , you will surely create a better proper rest. Avoid alcohol, sedatives, and other central nervous system depressants for the same reasons as stated above.
If you cant get sleep try to use herbs such as Valerian, chamomile, passion flower, kava kava, hops flower, skullcap flower, etc. These herbs along with L-tryptophan, L-theanine, and magnesium can create a very relaxed, restful feeling. There are a number of good products online and in health food stores. Herbal sleep remedies are great because they are non-addictive. Consult with your physician before stopping any medications and replacing them with herbal treatments. Turn off the lights. If you sleep during the day, make sure the curtains are closed. Shut the door to block out any extra light.
Tips To Avoid Sleeping Pills To Get A Better Sleep Without Any Tension And Stress