Easy Tricks To Learn Arithmetic Calculation In Maths For Childrens

Now a days children's are thinking that mathematics are very hard syllabus and they are worrying about to calculate the arithmetic processes. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division are very much useful for the life long. The easiest way to learn mathematics well for children's is the pictured methods. Instead of always just putting the numbers, you will provide pictures like fishes, flowers related to the contents to add , subtract, multiply and divide to your children's. It will be catchy for them and they will get enthusiasm to do the problems. Like this method you will follow your children's means they wont hate mathematics as a hard subject. Instead of that they will play maths as a easiest way.

Human brain is very similar to the computer.
  1. Brain- Hardware of computer. Comparable to CPU.
  2. Mind- Software. Comparable to an Operating System.

Don't think that must calculate fast but do like more easily and accurately as well. Here the best example are given.
Multiply Up to 20X20 In Your Head

In just FIVE minutes you should learn to quickly multiply up to 20x20 in your head.  With this trick, you will be able to multiply any two numbers from 11 to 19 in your head quickly, without the use of a calculator.

I will assume that you know your multiplication table reasonably well up to 10x10.

Try this:
  • Take 14 x 12 for an example.
  • Always place the larger number of the two on top in your mind.
  • Then draw the shape of Africa mentally so it covers the 14 and the 2 from the 12 below. Those covered numbers are all you need.
  • First add 14 + 2 = 16
  • Add a zero behind it (multiply by 10) to get 160.
  • Multiply the covered lower 2 x the single digit above it the "4" (2x4= 8 ) 2x4=8
  • Add 160 + 8 = 168.
That is It! Wasn't that easy? Practice it on paper first!

Like these there are many ways to add, subtract, multiply and division of largest numbers. The another example is square a two digit number as a easiest way.

Square a 2 Digit Number Ending in 5

For this example we will use 35
  • Take the "tens" part of the number (the 3 and add 1) = 4
  • Multiply the original "tens" part of the number by the new number (3x4)
  • Take the result (3x4=12) and put 25 behind it. Result the answer 1225.
Try a few more 75 squared ... = 7x8=56 ... put 25 behind it is 5625.
55 squared = 5x6=30 ... put 25 behind it ... is 3025. Another easy one! Practice it on paper first!

Easy Tricks To Learn Arithmetic Calculation In Maths For Children's

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