Tutorial On Learning Basics Of Abacus as Their Own In 5 Minutes

The abacus is an old technique and it is called as counting frame that is used in digital calculations. In current days the abacus are constructed with a plastic frame that consist segment of thin rod with several beats in it. But in olden days they used sand and stones to calculate the process.

To learn Abacus is the easiest way for children's. The meaning for Abacus is the easy calculation of mathematics for the children's. There are 8 levels present in the Abacus. Children's from the 14 years old only should learn this Abacus. It will be useful for those age children's only because that age kids only having their brain development. Why we need and learn this Abacus means children's will get their brain as very sharp and active.

In Abacus the formulas are present there to calculate the problems. The formulas names are Small Friends Formulae (SFF), Big Friends Formulae (BFF), Combination Formulae. Small Friends Formulas are considered the base value as 5 and the Big Friends Formulas are considered the base values as 10. Combination Formulas are considered both the Small Friends Formulae and the Big Friends Formulae. For all of this, to calculate the problems you need Abacus Kit. With the help of Abacus kit you may do Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Square Roots and Cube Roots. There are many Abacus methods and each method handling different type of kits.

The various types of Abacus are,
  • Mesopotamian Abacus
  • Roman Abacus
  • Chinese Abacus
  • Egyptian Abacus
  • Persian Abacus
  • Greek Abacus
  • Indian Abacus
  • Japanese Abacus
  • Korean Abacus
  • School Abacus
  • Native America Abacus
The outer layer is called the boundary and the beats are mentioned as lower beats and the upper beats. For the Arithmetic calculation this beats are useful to add, subtract, multiply and divide. The Small Friends Formulae having the both positive and negative formulas in the number of +4, +3, +2, +1 and -4, -3, -2 , -1. The Big Friends Formulae also having both positive and negative formulas in the number of +9, +8, +7, +6, +5, +4, +3, +2, +1 and -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1. The combination Formulae having the positive and negative formulas in the number of +9, +8, +7, +6 and -9, -8, -7, -6.

Note: If you learn this Abacus your mind will get active and sharp. Biggest numbers are also easy to calculate to get the answers.

Tutorial On Learning Basics Of Abacus as Their Own In 5 Minutes

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